I have mentioned in previous writings that our thoughts and beliefs create our feelings. If this is true, and I believe it is, then if we are thinking horrible thoughts we will start to feel horrible. If we are thinking something unhealthy or distorted, then distorted emotions are created from them. If we act on those feelings, it is not so good. A big mess will happen, or worse! This is why the voices in our heads are so important to take captive. We get fooled sometimes by what we listen to and by pondering on the crazy thoughts going through our heads, because they can cause us to feel something that feels real but is not based in reality. It seems like it would be hard work to change these thoughts or head ponderings, but it is easier to do the work in the moment that it is happening, than to deal with the repercussions of the messes we get ourselves into from listening to them. I was so good at making messes of things for such a long time. That is why I am trying to help others...