There are times I get offended. I have learned if people are offending or shaming me I should have boundaries and limit their closeness in my life and choose to be around more safe people. Then there are times I am told that I need to share my feelings to the one who has offended or shamed me by saying, "When you say that to me I feel shamed," and sometimes I need to do that also. These things I can use as tools to help me get past the offensive, shaming people in my life. It seems that boundaries regarding unsafe people and sharing my feelings when someone has offended or shamed me, are very important and needed. What I am looking at right now is, "Where does my responsibility come in?" "What is my part in this scenario?" Sometimes I am offended by others because something traumatic happened to me in my life or childhood and it caused some big button in me. When an offensive person says or does something to me and my big button gets pushed I feel p...