We are not our thoughts. We are not the things that run through our heads. It is very possible that the things we believe about ourselves and others that seem so normal to us, might be not so healthy. If we were raised in a negative environment the things that happened to us or the things that were said to us might have caused us to view the world through a skewed grid. If ideas we learned from authority figures or others in our lives were learned from someone with distorted thinking, the lenses that we view ourselves and the rest of the world can be very out of whack and we probably don't even realize it. If our thoughts about ourselves and others come through distorted filters we can look at ourselves and the world around us with the wrong colored lenses. Some people look at everything through rose colored glasses, but there are lots of other colors that people view the world through and they also can cause problems. Things might seem true to us, but can we really put all o...