
Showing posts from April, 2018


I am sharing this with others so if anyone has struggled like I me I can help. Maybe you won't have to go through all I did to be helped.  Some people are pretty hard-headed, thick-skinned and not affected very easily by things. Others are so super sensitive to people, places and things and they are affected by many things. Some people need to be hit over the head before they see something about themselves that needs to change, but there are others who see all of their faults. Faults that aren't even real and they are always looking for even more. Some people's minds dissect everything and find themselves coming up short and then beat themselves up mercilessly for it.   I suffered a lot of my life with thinking I was doing something wrong. This is a lot bigger than someone who is just insecure. I certainly was insecure, but it is more like no matter what I did I could not be clean enough. Some people can't be clean enough in the physical, and they keep washing ...


If you are someone who struggles with anxiety I have a few tips that might help you. When you wake up in the morning do not think about anything you have to do today, anything you should do today or anything at all beyond the very moment you are in. The closest thing to the moment is your breathing. Pay attention to your breathing and the rise and fall of your belly as it breathes. Put your hands on your belly and feel your breathing. Also it helps to remember that the Lord is inside of your every breath. If you have to go to work you don't have to think about it yet. You are not there yet. You just have to get up and get ready. Don't put your mind on anything except where you are right at this very second. Thinking about anything beyond this very moment is as taking a big spoonful of poison, because that is what it is to you. God gives us grace for the moment and His presence is in this moment. It is a much better place to reside than to be thinking of where you are going to...


I have been asked a few questions lately and I wasn't sure of the answers because certain things I just do automatically now, so I started pondering and examining my process. Hopefully I can help people understand better and maybe I will help myself in the process. I have said many times that we need to feel. Feeling our feelings is how we heal. We have to feel to heal, yes, but should we feel every feeling that comes our way? I have come to the realization that I don't think we do. I will explain. Besides the truth that we have to feel to heal it is also true that our beliefs and thoughts create what we feel, so if we are thinking about something that is negative, distorted or untrue about  a situation and it creates feelings of uneasiness, those are not feelings to feel. We don't want to sit and make friends with feelings that were created by lies and distortions. That is not a good thing. There is a time to feel and there is a time to change our self-talk (what y...