
Showing posts from July, 2017


For as long as I can remember I walked around with negative thoughts about myself and others going through my head.  I felt very alone in the world because I thought I was the only one like this. No one else seemed to be having this stuff in their heads. Everyone else seemed normal so I had no idea. My family never talked about what was going on in their heads. I heard plenty of opinions from people but no one talked about the crazy things they say to themselves or the things that run through their minds. I believed everyone was okay except for me. I now know that many people walk around with negative, shaming things going through their heads. People also blame others for their problems and make it the other guy's fault.  There are many areas that people struggle with. We try and reason things out through our skewed thinking and make bigger messes. Shame lies to us and we listen to it. The big problem is that it is all a big secret. We all have these secrets, insecurit...


I lived in my head for a long time. What really changed things for me is when I learned to stay in the moment and put my attention on the Lord who lives deep inside of me. When I changed my attention from what was going on in my head to what I was sensing from the Lord inside, my whole world changed. When I could turn my attention from my head nonsense, to get in the moment with my Lord inside, I could then be still and know He is God. I could make decisions and be present where I was. My mind is what I use to make choices, but if I am listening to the racket in my head, I will probably make a bad choice, or no choice at all and then I get stuck! When I get stuck I feel helpless and hopeless!  If I realize that I have been listening to my head, choose to stop and turn my attention deep inside me to the Lord and to what I am sensing, then the clouds will disappear and I feel free to make a choice. Some people live in their heads blaming everyone else for everything going...