I lived in my head for a long time. What really changed things for me is when I learned to stay in the moment and put my attention on the Lord who lives deep inside of me. When I changed my attention from what was going on in my head to what I was sensing from the Lord inside, my whole world changed. When I could turn my attention from my head nonsense, to get in the moment with my Lord inside, I could then be still and know He is God. I could make decisions and be present where I was. My mind is what I use to make choices, but if I am listening to the racket in my head, I will probably make a bad choice, or no choice at all and then I get stuck! When I get stuck I feel helpless and hopeless! 

If I realize that I have been listening to my head, choose to stop and turn my attention deep inside me to the Lord and to what I am sensing, then the clouds will disappear and I feel free to make a choice.

Some people live in their heads blaming everyone else for everything going on in their lives. Others live in their heads with people’s opinions of how they should be, or what they should do, even when they haven’t seen or heard from that person for years. Any time we tell ourselves should, it will never motivate us to do anything! If you are laying on the couch and you tell yourself that you should get up and do something, will you get up? No, you will lay there until you decide that you will get up. Should is a negative, it is not a motivator. I can and I will are motivators!

The process to get out of my head is first to realize that I am in my head. Then, stop and look around at where I am physically. Feel and see the reality that is all around me. Then turn my attention to the Lord living inside of me and sense Him there. Be still and know He is there and He is with you.

I believe that our heads are the part of us the enemy uses to try and mess us up. Our head is not our friend. It is the playing field of the enemy. Our heads are also a place where we try and control outcomes. We live in the past or the future, a place where we have no control over. I’ve spent time coming up with plans of what I will or won’t do so I can protect myself from getting hurt again. I finally realized how futile that was. Only God controls the future. Trying to protect myself from future hurts just kept me from living life now! There came a time when I had to let go of the future in my head, stay in the reality of the now with the Lord and trust Him for the future. Even my next breath! I realized that one second from now is still the future, so the now with God is really all there is. This now, and the next now and the next!

Making a choice and surrendering the outcome to God is using your mind. The enemy comes and says, “Did God Really Say?” He will come to our heads and try and get us to doubt what we have put in God’s hands. The head questions, but the mind says “No, I will not listen to those lies.” “You are a liar and the father of lies!” The head will say, “but what if the enemy is right and God really isn’t going to do what He said?” The mind says, "I will trust Him no matter what!"

When we look at it like this it gets easy to see if we are listening to our heads or using our minds. He is inside of us so we are inside together with Him, the best place to be! If we live in this reality, we can make good choices and love and be available to others.

If we are live in our heads we are not available to ourselves, others or God. We are just checked out! I don't want to be checked out ever again!

#hearts #minds #freedom #god #love #moment #feel


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