Depression can come from the body being out of whack chemically, but no matter how we get into it feels like getting trapped in a place of nothingness. I believe it is when we are stuck between our heads and our feelings and we don't want to go to either place. There is no energy because we are not really in there. We are checked out.

I would like to offer some help to get out of that trap. Sometimes we need medication to help but even so, we still have to get out of the trap of allowing our minds to get us to this place. I had a very hard time for a while learning the difference between what was a thought and what was a feeling. So hard that I would get angry when I was told that my feeling was really a thought. I didn't get it!

When I found myself in the downward spiral into depression, I had to totally stop my thinking pattern. This was not the time to try and focus on changing my thinking to positive. My focus had to be on stopping all thinking and get out of my head. Thinking is what got me into this mess. No matter what happens in our lives, it is our thinking about it that causes us the problems. Obsessive thinking takes me out of the present moment, and to get out of depression, getting real and into the present moment is of utmost importance. I could work on my thinking patterns later when my depression has lifted. Getting connected with the real inside of me with the Lord and being totally in the moment and out of my head is vital. This will work for anxiety issues as well.

If you are trapped in depression, stuck somewhere between the head and reality, the first thing to do is to get real. Start by putting your hands on your stomach and focus on your breathing. Look at the room or place you are in, the actual reality of where you are this very moment, and start to say to yourself what you see around you. Say each thing you see out loud and turn your attention to the Lord who lives inside of you, in your gut area and sense Him with you there. Keep doing this until you get yourself back into the room. The idea is to get to where you can feel. If you are depressed you are trapped in nothingness and torment. Feelings might not feel good, but they help us know we are alive. I know it is scary. I used to be afraid to feel for most of my life. Now I know that I have to feel to heal and be real. They are my friends.

When we stop allowing ourselves to get into the trap of being in obsession we will go through withdrawal. It is hardest at first because it is starting a new habit. The hard part is not to allow ourselves to get back into our heads which will lead us back to nothingness, no energy and despondence. Staying in the moment with the Lord and staying focused on the real is what is needed for as long as it takes to be able to stay there without the fight! To find rest and be able to breathe deeply.

Obsession withdrawal takes some energy but it will get easier as the hours go on. Do not allow any thoughts other than the reality of where you are and the attention on the Lord inside. When you feel yourself come back into yourself and staying there, you are progressing and will soon be more stable. I know it is possible to do this even if it seems impossible. I know because I lived it and I still have to go through this at times.

Breathe with the Lord. Focus on your breathing! Get into reality because each moment is what is real. The Lord is with you in each moment of the now until all eternity. He is with you now, and will be with you always!

#depression #obsession #mind #heart #lord #withdrawal #now #moment


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