Keeping my head in the moment can mean many things depending on different people's opinions. Some say or think that they don't want to be in the moment because the moment they are in is the pits, but I want to challenge your thinking a little bit. The reality grid that I speak of is the only true reality and that is the reality of abiding and living with Jesus who lives inside of me. How do I do that you might ask?

For me, when I realize my thoughts are taking off full speed ahead I have to pull them back to myself. I stop and say No! I can't let my thoughts take off alone because then I have now left not only my body but I have also left the only true reality there is, and that is He who lives inside of me! If I go off in my head on a journey without Him I usually get myself into a dangerous neighborhood where no one should go alone. Not only that but the only time I can really be focused on the present reality and what I need to be taking care of right now, is to not be running off without the abiding presence of Jesus inside. So I have to grab those thoughts that are running off with me and bring them back to me and step back into His presence and rest there. Then I can run things through Him instead of running off in my head without Him. Without the abiding presence of Him, then I am really no good for anyone else or myself! It is really about resting and abiding in Him.

My head is a dangerous neighborhood that I can't go into alone. I need to filter my thoughts through Him inside of me, no matter where the thoughts originated from. If they come from us, the enemy or someone else it doesn't matter, they still need to be stopped and run through the Jesus grid.

When it (the bible) says, "He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother," it is not kidding! He is inside of us, in our breath, in our very pores. He is there and I can feel Him so why would I want to go anywhere without Him? Sometimes I miss it and get messed up and lose it, but I quickly come back to the lover of my soul inside of me. I don't want to be anywhere else. Taking off without Him and running off in my head is not something I ever want to do. Staying with Him in the now is so amazingly awesome, so where would I go!

You see this present moment is not what is going on in front of our eyes right now. Instead, the real present moment is what is going on behind our eyes, inside with Him. That is the present moment - the only true reality! That is the best place to be without any doubt! Step back into Him and rest.
#presentmoment #minds #hearts #presence #Jesus #insideofme


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