I think guilt is one of the biggest hindrances in the Christian life. It has been for me and I see it trip up so many others also.

Way back in the first few years of walking with the Lord I went through a time of feeling separated from God a lot. I did not think I was doing a very good job with my life. I had so many inner struggles. A prophetic man spoke into my life at that time and said he saw walls between God and me. The problem was that the walls were of my own making. It was not God. I didn’t know at that time in my life about how our thinking can put those walls up. I also didn’t know there was such a thing as false guilt. How could there be false guilt? That sounds crazy! Who would knowingly put guilt on themselves? It is false because we keep ourselves in bondage over things that God has long since forgiven and forgotten. It might even be something that we don’t even need to be forgiven for. Maybe we just think we do! It is our thinking about it that keeps the wall up.

Declaring our forgiveness is a way to change our self-talk and our thinking. Telling ourselves we are forgiven and we are not going to allow our heads to heap that guilt on us. We can do that one second at a time. We are whole in Him!

A few years ago another prophetic man told me that I had not forgiven myself for an area in my past that God had forgiven me for. He said it was not my fault in the first place and God was not pleased that I wouldn’t let it go. I had kept that wall up. It was too hard to trust that God had forgiven something so bad. That was a wake-up call for me! God was not pleased! It wasn’t even my fault but for some reason I had not let myself off the hook about it.

False guilt is a killer. We must not allow all that crap to take over our lives and render us powerless. That is what it does and the enemy loves to keep us wrapped up in it. He doesn’t even have to mess with us. We do it to ourselves! We are much too valuable and Jesus paid too high a price for us to lay down to false guilt and be walked over. Even if we did do something that we needed forgiveness for, if we have asked for forgiveness and keep carrying it, it is now false guilt.

When my head gets the best of me with stuff, I just see myself like a fisherman reeling in my racing thoughts back to myself. My head has a tendency to race forward into crapville. I have to pull it back into the now where the Lord is. I don’t want to live in crapville! He is with me in the now. He will always be with me in the now. He won’t be with me into the future, until I get to the future. Right now He is with me! He will always be with me now!

If I let my head stay in the past thinking of what I should or shouldn’t have done, then I can’t experience His grace right now. I will have an invisible wall of guilt up. It keeps me from experiencing His grace, mercy, peace and love right now.

Any struggle I have is usually caused by not staying in the moment with the Lord. It is true no matter how hard of a situation that I am in. I hold hands with Him on the inside of me and stay there. I try and live there! When I get the focus off of Him living in me then I get messed up even if nothing is going wrong in the natural. He has made His home in me! If I just live there with Him then I am good! It is just the way it is!

#hearts #minds #freedom #god #love #moment #feel


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