There are many ways we get stuck in our heads. If the voice of should is in our heads it can cause a lot of problems. It is almost impossible to use our minds to make a good choice if the voice of the should is playing in our heads. I have to take my focus off of all shoulds or opinions and turn my focus to the moment at hand, sense God inside of me, change any negative self-talk to positive and move forward. It seems like a lot of work, and sometimes it is, but it has become the natural default for me. Most of the time it is pretty easy for me now! Sometimes I struggle and I have to remind myself of the process, but for certain my life is 99% better than it used to be when I lived in my head. A mind not polluted by the head can become a beautiful thing, because “We have the mind of Christ!”
I believe our heads is the part of us the enemy uses to try and mess us up. If he messes with our heads then he doesn’t have to do anything more because we do all the work of messing up for him. Our head is not our friend! The head is also a place where we try and control outcomes by living in the future, a place that no one has control over. I have spent time there coming up with my plans of what I will or won’t do, so I won’t get hurt again. I rehearsed scenes over and over again until one day I realized that was futile business. Only God controls the future. Trying to protect myself from the future by control in my head was a tormenting waste of time and life. It kept me from living life now. Fear of future hurts, or mistakes by me, or fear of future mistakes others might make can keep me in torment and invalidate any usefulness of my life. If the enemy can keep us in that state then he can move on to someone else because we become our own enemy!
There came a time that I had to let go of trying to control the future by my head, stay in the reality of the now with the Lord and trust Him, for even my next breath! It gets really real when we realize and live knowing that none of us are in control of our next breath. It is all Him! I can let go of any future controlling because it is not about me at all. The next second from now is still future, so the now with Him is really all there is. He is present now and He takes care of the future! Living fully now and trusting Him for the next breath is really being free. We are His children and we are trusting Him to be our Papa. We are really trusting when we let go in our heads, be with Him now and let Him have control of the future. Our heads are the part of us that try and keep us from that freedom. Sense Him inside now and be free.
#hearts #minds #freedom #god #love #moment #feel
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