I was someone who struggled with rejection issues for most of my life and still do at times. People with rejection issues continue the cycle of rejection by creating their own rejection over and over. They think and fear rejection before it even happens and thus do things and behave in ways to make it happen all over again. They don't do this consciously of course, but because it feels more familiar to be rejected than loved they keep destroying the very thing that is needed so badly. It feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable to let others love us, so rejection, even though horrible, feels more comfortable or familiar. I know these things are true because I just described my life. When I was in this destructive cycle I had no idea how to stop being my own worst enemy. Now that I do know, I want to help others stuck in this cycle. It was a process to get where I am now, and I know how frustrating it is to feel so helpless to help myself. God helped me through all this, but it was not a...