Every day, really every minute, we make choices. We see, hear or perceive someone or something around us and either we look at it and make a judgment in our minds, or we take it to our hearts. I noticed this in myself the other day. I made a choice when I looked at someone. I started to think thoughts about them that were not nice and I chose instead to change that thought to a blessing and a prayer instead. The result was that I ended up putting it into my heart in a good way. By doing that I chose love instead. I have realized since then that I do this all the time. I never noticed how many times my first thought about someone was not a good thought. I have had many opportunities lately to practice changing a negative thought or attitude about someone to a positive thought and prayer for them.

I have realized that I can turn every thought, judgment and criticism into an opportunity for loving others. Whether the other person ever knows about it or not they are being blessed by me! It is also a chance to do the same for myself. Will I think thoughts of judgments and criticisms toward myself, or will I choose to say no to negative thoughts and change them to something positive and uplifting about myself? Can I choose instead of negative thoughts of myself to put myself into the Lord's hands and not allow thoughts to control me.

Choices! Will I think judgments and criticisms of myself and others, or will I choose to notice and make the decision to pray and bless instead. When I look with eyes of love instead of judgment or criticism I can recognize the pain someone else might be experiencing. I can chose to feel and pray instead of think and judge! I will also be able to recognize if there is pain inside of me that needs to be dealt with, healed and surrendered to God.

I can only do this one thought at a time. No condemnation! No kicking myself for not being perfect or not doing it right! Just trying it one at a time! No looking at the big picture and trying to control how I am going to do this for the rest of my life, or looking at the big picture and thinking it is too hard to do such a big thing.

Please don’t look at yourself and judge yourself thinking, "I really need to do this because I am so bad about judgments." That would be self-defeating! The worst thing we can ever do to ourselves is hard self-judgment! It is a silent killer! Nothing made me sicker than when I allowed my mind to think bad thoughts about myself. There is nowhere in the bible that tells us to think bad of ourselves. A humble and a contrite heart is one that knows that there is a God and we are not Him. A humble heart is totally different than a critical mind. I used to have the belief that if I was thinking what a dirty dog I was that made me humble. I was very incorrect. All that made me was sick!

I started by taking one negative thought or judgment at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time. it becomes very do-able when I only try and take care of what is in front of me at the moment I am in! If I try and take care of tomorrows troubles today I end up in a paralyzed mess. The old saying that I learned was, "If you live with one foot in the past and one in the future you end up pissing on today." This is a very true picture of reality! I can only deal with the thought or problem that is with me right now. I want to make the most of each moment that I live. I want to live with blessing and not cursing. If I mess up this minute then I have a choice to make the next minute better. It is my choice!

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#hearts #minds #freedom #god #love #moment #feel


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