I am at a place right now, where all I can do is tell myself, “No matter what, me and the Lord can do it together, one second at a time.” I have a committee in my head saying everything to the contrary, but what I know inside of me is that “me and the Lord can handle it together, one second at a time.”

If I have to say it to myself hundreds of times today, I know that is where I will find peace and rest. I will put the next second in His hands and let go of it in my head. I will look to the Lord who lives in me, to be there for me in this second. And, that is all we really have. We have "NOW" with Him.

Our futures and our next breath are in His hands anyway! I will rest in Him right now. I will not listen to the negative committee in my head for one second. I will rest in Him no matter what!

#heartsandmindssetfree #head
#hearts #minds #freedom #god #love #moment #feel


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