I don’t know about you but I have a committee in my head and it is not my friend. It never has been and never will be! It will try and tell me all kinds of horrible, negative stuff about myself and others. It will bombard me with tortuous shaming negative crapola. I try to never listen to it or especially reason with it. It always lies. The committee gets its power from all the negative things that I have ever heard in my life about myself, or others, and the enemy uses it to try to torture me. I know now I must stop these lies in their tracks and change my self-talk immediately. I am okay right this minute and me and the Lord can do this together one second at a time. I can be successful! I can love with His love. I can be all He wants me to be, one second at a time with His power. Me and God can do this together! I am okay right now, because He is making me okay, one second at a time. RIGHT THIS SECOND I AM OKAY! Whatever it takes change the self talk.

I do not let that committee define me anymore. I let it for so much of my life but I choose not to go there anymore. When people would tell me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ or when I would read that in the bible I would get so frustrated and shamed. It was too big for me and it seemed like a giant monster. But, I learned that I can do it one at a time, one second at a time, one lie at a time and then it was much more manageable. I just started to say "No" one second at a time, I can do this. I don't wrestle with the thought that the committee might be right. No, I don't give that lie any place in my head anymore. No matter what I have done or not done! No Matter What! The lies will never help me to do better. Never! I stop the crazy, shaming crapola that tries to get me in my head and I fall back into Jesus where I belong! He will help me to make it when I just turn off that negative committee and change those thoughts one at a time to positive truth. Me and the Lord can do this together one second at a time.

No matter what any of us struggle with we can tell ourselves the positive-opposite and push through it, holding His hands one second at a time.

I know it works! I was the queen of living in the negative obsessive committee in my head and beating myself up for it mercilessly. That is not what God wanted for me. I know that now. He wants better than that for all of us! Remember to hold up that stop sign! Just stop and change it! One at a time with Him you can do it. And you can have His peace while you do it. Don’t give it any more place in your life!

My life got so much better when I quit reasoning with the committee in my head. Don't waste anymore of your life reasoning with lies and distortions. Just stop and change it. Don't question if what is going on in your head might be right. Obsession is never profitable or helpful. It is only going to be negative. Our heads are not our friends. No more reasoning with What Ifs. Be free! Stop reasoning with insanity and be free!

#heartsandmindssetfree #thinking #head

#hearts #minds #freedom #god #love #moment #feel


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